Hey friends! I’m so glad to be back and writing about the things I love! If you missed it, I’ll condense this to keep it real short but I switched hosts for my website and in the interim I lost all of my previous blog posts. Ughh, I know. I was disheartened at first but I’ve met some really nice and amazing people along the way that have helped me out and I’m pretty much starting over. With a year like 2020, I’m actually ready for something new and fresh LOL. Now’s the time I really wish I lived like Little House on the Prairie days.
Take a look around and click on my menu buttons over on my homepage. I would love to get your feedback. I’m trying to make this as user-friendly as possible and still deliver great content. I’d love to know the topics that you’d love to see here. When you are finished reading, drop a comment below and tell me where you are from.
I’ve got some exciting things happening over here at LHSL. That’s short for Little House Simple Living if you’re new to following me. You might also see some of my social media sites as @lhsimpleliving. I just shortened Little House to keep it simple ha ha.
If you are absolutely new to following me, Welcome! I’m so glad you are here! If you are coming over from Instagram, Facebook or Pinterest, thank you for following me all these years.
Here’s some things I have planned:
- When you sign up, I’m giving ya’ll my Meal Time Saver for FREE. That’s right! Three life-changing (well, maybe lol) sheets that will get you organized! I created this years ago to help me stay organized in the kitchen. Throwing away expired food in my pantry and freezer was a waste of time and money. I hope you enjoy it and I would love it if you’d share my website with your friends and family so they can get organized too! (P.S. If you’ve already signed for my blog prior to this post, shoot me an email at [email protected] and I’ll send you the .pdf straight to your inbox.)
- If you’ve been following our building journey, thank you for sticking around lol. It’s been almost six years. I’ve been documenting everything on Instagram and have created saved highlights of pretty much every area of our home building process. My plan is to slowly share everything here in my blog, but that will take time. So, I’m excited to tell ya’ll, I’m almost finished with my E-book I’ve been writing since the beginning. I’ve kept notepads and scratch pads of all of our tips, mess-ups, screw-ups and everything that comes along with building your own home. We want to share them with you so if you are planning on building or even renovating a fixer upper, you are going to want this book. Stay tuned as I’m going to be releasing it soon.
You will also receive my Home Organizing Sheets
These are easily printable and you can create a binder like I did and keep everything all tidy, room by room.
In the meantime, see more of our Building Journey HERE.
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