Happy New Year friend! Can you believe 2021 has come and gone? I definitely know it was a year filled with emotions for all of us but it really went by so fast. Every new year I feel like we get a fresh start, a clean slate. I love making simple goals that I know will allow me to grow and keep me grounded.
Can you believe that even in the midst of a pandemic, we were able to finish building our new home? What a blessing to be finally finished after almost six years. See our building journey here.
Simple Goal Setting
I’m not a resolution girl but I definitely set goals every year for myself. Therefore, I try to be super realistic when I’m writing down my goals. I aim for ones that I know I’ll be able to obtain. Of course, I have huge dreams just like anyone else, but I have to tell myself all the time to start small and go bigger if I’m able to.
If you’re struggling and just need something fresh in your life, here are some simple goals that will impact your life.
More Time With God
This one should be a priority for everyone. I crave every year to have more time to spend with God. That means I need to give up some things that are keeping me from doing that. I’m making a goal this year to read my Bible more, read daily devotions, and participate in more Bible studies throughout the year.
Get Healthy
This is an everyday goal that I continue year after year. I’ve struggled with hormone imbalance, adrenal fatigue, digestive issues, and weight issues throughout my life. I became sick 11 years ago and that was my wake up call to change my lifestyle. Looking back, I was sick a lot as a kid and all of that probably contributed to me getting sick later on in life.
One thing I’ve learned is that it all starts with what we are feeding our bodies. Getting rid of processed food was the #1 thing I did to make myself healthy. Cooking from scratch just makes me feel better. I can definitely feel it when I eat something bad, so, therefore, I really try to stay away from all of the garbage.
Taking high-quality supplements also assists me with my diet. Getting healthy is not a quick thing. Start slow and you’ll see better results.
Let’s be honest. You can’t really do a lot without money, so getting our finances in line is key. We don’t spend frivolously. If we don’t have cash, we don’t buy it. Most importantly, we just spent almost six years building our new home and we don’t have a mortgage. No, it wasn’t easy, but we sucked it up and did it. I’m not telling you this to brag but to encourage you. Living tiny for several years during the process and just doing minimal things contributed to our simple lifestyle. It was all worth it in the end and if you’re wanting to do the same thing, I highly encourage you to do it.
For instance, my husband and I also took a Crown Financial class years ago at our church and it changed our thinking about money. We’ve also used Dave Ramsey’s practices throughout our marriage too. We aren’t perfect by no means, but we’ve learned a lot about money and how we should be using it.
Put Down Your Phone
This one is huge. I really feel the phone is becoming an addiction not just with teenagers but with adults too. We spend way too much time on social media and I’ve been putting my phone down in the evenings more and throughout the day.
Set a timer and allow yourself 1 or 2 hours a day to be on your phone. It really helps with strain on your eyes and anxiety. I don’t feel like I have to be on social media all the time and allow it to control me now.
Keep Your Home Tidy
So, I’m not the wife that likes to just clean all day and I’m certainly not Martha Stewart lol. Don’t get me wrong, our home is clean – I just have organized piles in certain rooms haha. I created a list that helps me along with my daily and weekly chores and it really helps. I have them for home, finances, cleaning, and kitchen chores. You can receive my kitchen meal time saver here.
Volunteer More
We weren’t called to do life alone, therefore, get out and serve your community. There are food banks, community clubs, or even in your neighborhoods. Join a like-minded group or club and do some good in your town. It’s good for the soul.
I hope these simple goals find a place in your life this year. They are nothing crazy and definitely achievable. Start small. I always find by writing my goals down on paper really helps me put everything into perspective. If I see it written, I’m more motivated and excited to tackle my goal.
Blessings to you in 2022! We can do hard things!
Felicia says
These are all fantastic goals.