I’m starting the New Year off and wanted to encourage you to join me in a challenge. I’ve been grinding my own flour and making bread for over 10 years. There’s thousands of us from all over the world joining in on this challenge. The goal is to make homemade bread at home for an entire year and not go to the store and buy any.

It’s not to say you have to make homemade bread every day. I don’t even make bread every day. Who has time for that? It is also more than just a loaf of bread too. The possibilities are endless! I’m so excited to share with ya’ll everything I’ll be making. I’m going to give you my month-by-month calendar below and I hope you’ll be making one too. You are welcome to use mine. If you’re new at making bread, grinding your own flour, then follow along and I’ll share all that I do know. There’s a few months that I’m trying something new, so we’ll be learning together! Are you up for the challenge?

Why Make Homemade Bread At Home
If you currently buy bread from the store, have you looked at the ingredients? It’s loaded with junk and is horrible for us. Making bread at home, you’ll get more nutrition and just down home goodness.
You’ll also get the satisfaction of making something with your hands and creating wonderful home baked items for your family.
Grab My Homebaking Must Haves HERE.
#Makebread365 Challenge
So let’s dive into this challenge. It’s basically an individual challenge where you’ll bake at home. If you are a novice or a pro, then this is for you! Learn to make something new or if you are just beginning, start slow with maybe my Basic Whole Wheat Bread recipe.
Here’s my month-to-month calendar of what I’m going to be making. I already make a lot of bread/baked goods but there’s a few new things I can’t wait to try. I’m not limiting myself to just bread. Yes, I’m using my fresh-milled flour and I’m still not buying any of these at the store. I’ve also included two items in a few months, just because haha. Let’s learn and grow together!
This whole challenge started from my Instagram friend McKenzy over at Little Farm Folk. She’s created a wonderful planner for you to use as well. You can download it for free HERE.

no extra cost to you. See my full disclosure here.
Benefits of Using Freshly-Milled Flour
Now, I’m going to share with ya’ll about why I love using freshly-milled flour. My love for using whole grains came from me not being able to digest bread from the store. I used to get that “chicken skin” on my elbows. I couldn’t figure out why I had it until I was introduced to using fresh-milled flour from Sue Becker. Learn more about BreadBecker’s here.

Learn How to Grind Your Own Flour Here.
After learning how the manufacturer’s in the late 1800’s changed the millstones to metal rollers, which produced more flour per pound. They removed the bran and the germ to allow for longer shelf-life. The bran contains a rich supply of B vitamins, iron and other trace minerals. It also has fiber, protein and enzymes that aid in digestion. The germ contains essential fatty acids, vitamin E, antioxidants, minerals, B vitamins, numerous phytonutrients, making it a nutritional powerhouse.
I became so mad once I found out all of this. These corporations were wanting to make us sick. Well, why do you think so many people have a gluten intolerance now? I’m excited to say that I can eat bread again! I have a highlight saved over on my Instagram called “Bread Beckers” where I talk more about my health journey with using fresh-milled grains.
*Resources: The Essential Home-Ground Flour Book

I am going to be sharing once a month one of my recipes along with video so you can feel inspired to start your bread making journey. Feel free to reach out via email ([email protected]) or send me a DM on Instagram (@lhsimpleliving). I love chatting with ya’ll and answer everyone. Feel free to leave a comment below as well. Let’s do this together! Also, use #makebread365 every time you post your bread item and make sure you tag me too. I love seeing what ya’ll make! Let’s get baking friends!
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