Whether you live in a hurricane area like I do or not, you are going to want to create an Emergency Kit. Disasters can happen anytime, not just hurricanes, and it’s always good to be prepared when they do happen.

Types of Emergencies
Think about this for a minute. We normally get a good warning when a hurricane is coming here in Florida (at least a few days to a week). We have time to prepare a little, like getting extra water and food (unless you are told to evacuate). With that being said, what happens if you can’t get to the store or your power goes out?
What would you do if a wildfire just happened out of the blue? Those things spread pretty quickly. We had one at our former home that was horrible. Helicopters came over our house with water dumping it so fast. The fire was located a few streets behind us but had to go through our property. They ended up getting it contained but what if it was worse?
Maybe you live up north or in a very cold climate that gets a ton of snow? How do you deal with it if it comes on quickly? When I was little, we lived in Alaska for three years. It was great and pretty but we had a lot of snow. So much that we couldn’t go to school and we were snowed in a lot. What if you couldn’t leave your home for a a week or so?
Emergencies/Disasters List
Here are just a few of the emergencies that are most common. I am constantly thinking ahead of anything that might possibly happen. I guess that’s just the natural preparer in me haha. I’m not scared by all means. I just like to be prepared. Living in a state of panic is not good for any of us. I personally know it makes me spiral if I do, so I choose not to live that way.
- Earthquakes
- Explosions
- Floods
- Hurricanes
- Tornadoes
- Wildfires
- Winter Weather
I know there are other emergencies/disasters that happen but those above are just the ones that you really hear about. We all hope none of them ever happen, but, sadly, they do.

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”If we are prepared, we shall not fear.” ~ Quentin L. Cook
Basic Supply List
Here are the basics that most of us probably keep on hand. Some of these I do, but the one’s with expiration dates, I just wait and see how far out the dates are to see if it’s worth spending any extra money. Fortunately with Amazon, we can usually have things delivered in 1-2 days.
- Water (1 gallon per person/day. Try to have a few days worth)
- Food (non perishable goods. I can a lot and I keep things in buckets/jars sealed up)
- First Aid Kit
- Manual Can Opener
- Prescription Medications/Supplements
- Contact Lens Solution/2nd pair of eyeglasses
- Infant formula, bottles, diapers, etc.
- Pet/Farm Animal Food
- Cash
- Fire Extinguisher
- Candles
- Games, puzzles, etc.
10 Items You’ll Want in Your Emergency Kit
The list below are things that most people might not think about or even know they exist. I’ve been using and collecting these items for years now and it really does give me peace of mind.
Re-chargeable Lightbulbs – yes, there is such a thing and they are a life saver! Genious!
Emergency Radio – this comes in handy if you don’t won’t to waste your cell phone battery.
Solar Flashlight – everyone needs one and this one is solar.
Solar Cell Charger Bank – my daughter turned me onto this. It’s a solar charger for your devices.
Manual Grain Mill – if you are grinding your own your grains, this is the mill to have. I love mine!
Hardwhite Wheat-berries – Grab a bucket of grains. They store for 30 years.
Essential Home Ground Flour Book – this book will help you get started on your fresh-milled flour journey.
Lodge Cast Iron Dutch Oven – perfect to cook/bake anything in over a fire, even a loaf of bread.
Dehydrated Sourdough Starter – this is my Sourdough starter, Jimmy. It reactivates in case you lose yours.
Organic and Heirloom Seeds or I really love these too – no better time than now to start a garden – no matter how big or small of a space you have. Just grow something.
Emergency Supply Kit

Homesteading Tips
Homesteading: My Simple beginner’s Guide
Beginner’s Guide to Water Bath Canning
Benefits of Raised Garden Beds

I hope this post encourages you to start preparing for the next thing that might come your way. As I’m writing this, we are actually preparing for Hurricane Helene. As soon as I heard about this one brewing, I went and started checking all of my “emergency” things, making sure everything is intact, just in case I would need to pull them out. We don’t live on the coast but we will more than likely get outer-bands from it. I’d love to hear some of your ideas and how you stay prepared. If we all share a tip or two, we can all maybe have a little less stress when these emergencies hit.
Matthew 8:24-27 ~ Suddenly a furious storm came up on the lake, so that the waves swept over the boat. But Jesus was sleeping. The disciples went and woke him, saying, “Lord, save us! We’re going to drown!”
He replied, “You of little faith, why are you so afraid?” Then he got up and rebuked the winds and the waves, and it was completely calm.The men were amazed and asked, “What kind of man is this? Even the winds and the waves obey him!”
Source: www.ready.gov
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